Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament
Stigmatizing and Delegitimizing Nuclear Weapons
Mitsuru Kurosawa1 
[1] Osaka Jogakuin University;
关键词: Nuclear weapons;    nuclear disarmament;    stigmatize;    delegitimize;    Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;   
DOI  :  10.1080/25751654.2017.1419453
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was opened for signature on 20 September 2017, the purpose of which is said to be the stigmatization of nuclear weapons. How does one stigmatize nuclear weapons when nuclear-weapon states and states under the nuclear umbrella are strongly opposed to this Treaty? In this article, the significance of the Treaty is clarified by studying the background and by showing the stigmatization of nuclear weapons as one of the main purposes of the Treaty. The concept of the stigmatization of nuclear weapons is being compared to the delegitimization thereof. This article argues that the common purpose of both approaches is to have a world without nuclear weapons, although their reasons, means, and perceptions of security differ. The two approaches can complement each other to achieve a nuclear-free world. The stakeholders are accordingly recommended to pursue each approach simultaneously so that the proposals of both complement each other in their quest for a world without nuclear weapons.

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