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‘Many years to the invincible’: The axiological meanings of the spatial and temporal images in Boris Pasternak’s poem ‘Neoglyadnost’/’ Spanlessness’
Konnova M. N.1 
[1] Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University;
关键词: time;    space;    value;    victory;    boris pasternak;   
DOI  :  10.5922/2225-5346-2017-2-10
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article is an attempt to expose and analyse the chronotopical structure of Boris Pasternak's poem ‘Neogliadnost’/’Spanlessness’, written in 1944. The axiological meaning of spatiotemporal images in the poet's Weltanschauung is evaluated within a broader context of Russian language and culture. It is argued that the poem’s key value-laden motif, victory, is introduced in the text in three temporal domains. Two of them — the planes of the historical past and present — belong to the sphere of time. They are intrinsically linked by their reference to the metaphysical realm of eternity.

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