Путеводитель предпринимателя 卷:13
Spatial Resource in Modernization Processes
A. M. Novozhilov1 
[1] Russian University of transport;
关键词: space;    value;    modernization;    resource;    transport;    traffic;    policy;    process;    society;   
DOI  :  10.24182/2073-9885-2020-13-3-172-180
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the modern world, the phenomenon of space plays a crucial role. The location or location of space can be correlated with its material content, determination of its economic value, when a certain transition of economic value from space to material objects located on it, and from material objects to space is carried out. The substantial uniqueness of large spatial-historical and space-time massifs determines the importance of spatial factors in the modernization processes.

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