Estudos do CEPE | |
A influência dos fatores macroeconômicos sobre o endividamento das famílias brasileiras no período 2005-2012 | |
关键词: Endividamento; famílias; variáveis macroeconômicas; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
O percentual das famílias com dívidas tem aumentado significativamente, atingindo 59,8 % das famílias brasileiras em agosto de 2012, além de aumentar a inadimplência da população. Estudos na área do endividamento são importantes àmedida que podem buscar explicações para a causa desses fenômenos, além de medidas que amenizem os impactos deste na sociedade em geral. Desse modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o impacto de variáveis macroeconômicas sobre o endividamento das famílias brasileiras, utilizando para isso, o método de análise de regressão múltipla. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que asvariáveis PIB, endividamento defasado e taxa de câmbio possuem relaçãosignificativa com o endividamento, sendo a relação positiva para as duas primeiras variáveis, e negativa para a última.
AbstractThe percentage of households with debt has increased significantly, reaching 59.8% of Brazilian households in August 2012, in addition to increasing the default population. Studies in the area of debt are important as they may seek explanations for the cause of these phenomena, in addition to measures that mitigate the impactsof this on society in general. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the impact of macroeconomic variables on household debt Brazilian, using this, the method of multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the variables PIB, lagged debt and exchange rate were significantly related indebtedness, and thepositive relationship for the first two variables, and negative for the latter.
AbstractThe percentage of households with debt has increased significantly, reaching 59.8% of Brazilian households in August 2012, in addition to increasing the default population. Studies in the area of debt are important as they may seek explanations for the cause of these phenomena, in addition to measures that mitigate the impactsof this on society in general. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the impact of macroeconomic variables on household debt Brazilian, using this, the method of multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the variables PIB, lagged debt and exchange rate were significantly related indebtedness, and thepositive relationship for the first two variables, and negative for the latter.
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