Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics
Developing the Competitiveness of Organizations by Amplifying the Role of Human Resources
Simona MASCU1 
[1] Bucharest Technical University of Constructions, Bucharest, Romania;
关键词: human resources;    human resources management;    competitiveness;    technology;   
DOI  :  10.35219/eai15840409214
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

People are the soul of the strategy, their knowledge and experience are key factors in ensuring the success of the strategy. But they are also the ones who can prevent the successful adoption of new strategies. So human resource issues are a central concern and responsibility of many managers in organizations, not limited to the specific function or department of human resources. This paper deals with challenges of human resources in modern organizations, showing the need for specific approaches from the part of true value oriented managers. Indeed, although formal human resource systems and structures are important, even vital, in supporting successful strategies, it is very possible that they will hinder the strategy if they are not tailored to the strategy pursued.

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