IEEE Photonics Journal
Low Loss CMOS-Compatible PECVD Silicon Nitride Waveguides and Grating Couplers for Blue Light Optogenetic Applications
Dries Braeken1  Luis Hoffman2  Roel Baets2  Robert Puers2  Bert Du Bois2  Ananth Subramanian3  Pol Van Dorpe3  Georges Gielen4  Philippe Helin4 
[1] Electrical Engineering Department&x00A0;Imec, Leuven, Belgium;Photonics Research Group, iGent&x2014;Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium;
关键词: Gratings;    fabrication and characterization;    waveguide devices;    light-tissue interactions;   
DOI  :  10.1109/JPHOT.2016.2601782
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents silicon nitride (SixNy) photonic integrated circuits (PICs) with high performance at a wavelength of 450 nm, which, therefore, is suitable for neuronal stimulation with optogenetics. These PICs consist of straight and bent waveguides, and grating couplers that are fabricated in a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)-compatible plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition SixNy platform. Their characterization shows propagation losses of 0.96 $\pm$ 0.4 dB/cm on average for straight waveguides that are 1-5 $\mu$m wide and bend insertion losses as low as 0.2 dB/90 $^\circ$ for 1 $\mu$m wide waveguides with a radius of 100 $\mu$m. Additionally, the grating coupler characterization shows that they can deliver about 10 $\mu$W of light in an area of 5 $\times$ 9 $\mu$m2 (240 mW/mm2), which is captured from an uncollimated laser diode (70 mW). Besides delivering sufficient power for optogenetic applications, the gratings have dimensions that are comparable to the size of a neuron, which would allow single cell interaction. These results demonstrate that, with this SixNy platform, high-density and large-scale implantable neural devices can be fabricated and readily integrated into existing CMOS-compatible neuro-electronic platforms.

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