Study on Multi-Objective Optimization-Based Climate Responsive Design of Residential Building
PaoloVincenzo Genovese1  Yafei Zhao1  Zhixing Li1 
[1] School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
关键词: building climate responsive design;    multi-objective optimization;    energy saving optimal;    cost-optimal;   
DOI  :  10.3390/a13090238
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper proposes an optimization process based on a parametric platform for building climate responsive design. Taking residential buildings in six typical American cities as examples, it proposes thermal environment comfort (Discomfort Hour, DH), building energy demand (BED) and building global cost (GC) as the objective functions for optimization. The design variables concern building orientation, envelope components, and window types, etc. The optimal solution is provided from two different perspectives of the public sector (energy saving optimal) and private households (cost-optimal) respectively. By comparing the optimization results with the performance indicators of the reference buildings in various cities, the outcome can give the precious indications to rebuild the U.S. residential buildings with a view to energy-efficiency and cost optimality depending on the location.

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