IATSS Research
Driving behavior in mixed traffic flow: A novel model for assessing bus movement considering the interaction with motorcyclists
Thuy Linh Hoang1  Nguyen Hoang-Tung2 
[1] Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam, No.3, Cau Giay street, Lang Thuong, Dong Da District, Hanoi 10000, Viet Nam;;Faculty of Construction Management, University of Transport &
关键词: Driving behavior;    Public transport;    Bus service;    GPS data;    Kalman algorithm;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Improving level of service (LOS) is an essential requirement for a sustainable public transport development of a city. A large number of previous studies have considered bus LOS on viewpoints of its users. It should, however, be noted that the viewpoint of non-bus travelers is also equally important because they are potential to be bus users. This paper suggests a novel model for transport planners to assess driving behavior of bus drivers through a consideration of bus movement in association with motorcyclists' interaction. Bus movement assessment is modelled based on GPS and traffic surveillance video data in correlation with the traffic density estimated under Kalman-filter algorithm. A case study in Hanoi, Vietnam showed an illustration to the model.

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