Pensamento Plural
Main aspects of Philip Pettit’s neorepublicanism
Cíntia Luzardo Rodrigues1 
[1] Universidade Federal de Pelotas;
关键词: republicanism;    freedom;    citizen;    non-domination;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article starts from a notice of the existence of a wide tradition of republican debate. In this tradition we can highlight Philip Pettit, regarded as the leading figure of the debate revival concerning republicanism. Pettit comes from Roman tradition of republicanism and conceives a third possibility of freedom, which is an alternative to the traditional distinction between positive freedom and negative freedom. He stresses freedom as non-domination, as the absence of all kind of arbitrary interference. In this view, a republican citizen is just the person who does not suffer arbitrary interference from another. These aspects characterize theauthor’s neorepublicanism.

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