Evaluation of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) mucilage as a stabilizer in the production of mango nectar
Jairo Salcedo1  Ricardo Andrade2  Ermides Lozano3 
[1]Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, University of Sucre, Sincelejo, 700001 Colombia
[2]Department of Food Engineering, University of Córdoba. Montería, 230007 Colombia
[3]Master in Agri-Food Sciences, University of Córdoba, Montería, 230007 Colombia
关键词: Food science;    Food analysis;    Food technology;    Physical stability;    Rheology;    Carboxymethylcellulose;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Instability in fruit drinks is a phenomenon that affects sensory and physical-chemical properties, which consumers perceive as lack of quality. Yam mucilage was evaluated as a stabilizer in the production of mango nectar. In addition, physicochemical characteristics, physical and rheological stability were determined. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement (2 × 4) was utilized. The factors were the concentration of the stabilizers, and the yam mucilage:carboxymethylcellulose ratio. Results showed that physicochemical properties comply with Colombian regulations and, as the proportion of carboxymethylcellulose decreased in the mucilage:CMC ratio, the absolute value of zeta potential decreased. Rheologically, mango nectar exhibit overall shear-thinning (pseudoplastic) and thixotropic properties. Results indicate that yam mucilage should be used in a mixture with other hydrocolloids.
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