Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics
Financing Investment Projects the Relationship between Feasibility Study and Business Plan
关键词: project;    investment;    agriculture;    financing;    feasibility study;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The common characteristics of the investment efforts, the high complexity and generated impact, have determined significant mutations in the approach to the concept of investment in agriculture, from a simple expense undergone with a direct purpose (the accomplishment of unique objectives, or the reparation of a status quo) to complex projects (deviating the flow of rivers, leveled terraces, irrigation works, etc.), characterized by specific phases, activities and instruments. Initially defined as anensemble of activities with a specific beginning and end, with a time, resource and budget limit, completed with the purpose of reaching a defined objective, projects have practically become the main operational tool at the level of organizations, in the investment field.

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