Genre, Sexualité et Société
La politisation d’une épidémie : les mécanismes de construction d’une cause
关键词: politics;    HIV/AIDS;    gay;    public agenda;    social sciences;   
DOI  :  10.4000/gss.2873
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This text is a commentary on Dennis Altman’s paper “AIDS: the Politicization of an Epidemic”. Published in 1984, Altman’s article shows the political dimension of the epidemic and its impact on homosexuality, and points out how it transforms both the gay movement and the gay identity. It recalls the dilemma of homosexual commitment to the fight against AIDS and its effects on the construction of the public issue. In addition, we stress that Altman provides an analytical model to capture the back-and-forth motion between organizational changes and issue transformation in specific contexts.

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