Филологический класс
Fiction Text in the Textbook of Russian as a Foreign Language: an Object of Study Or a Means of Learning?
关键词: linguodidactics;    russian as a foreign language;    methods of teaching russian;    methods of teaching russian at higher school;    chinese students;    fiction texts;    adaptation of a fiction text;    methods of text adaptation;    teacher toolkit materials.;   
DOI  :  10.51762/1FK-2021-26-03-21
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article sheds new light on the issue of using fiction texts in teaching Russian as a foreign language, specifically, to the adaptation of their form and content in the process of solving linguodidactic problems. While referring to the materials of the language course “Vostok” (Russian language textbook for Chinese students), the authors present some examples of fiction text adaptation for the purpose of their subsequent analysis and discussion. The study uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization and comparison, as well as the method of semantic text structure analysis and linguistic and cultural commentary. The main scientific hypothesis was the supposition about the possibility of distortion of the author's idea and the shift of semantic accents of fiction texts after their linguistic, textual and genre adaptation. The results of the research confirmed the main hypothesis with an open question about the criteria that determine the level and specificity of fiction text adaptation. The article emphasizes that textbook authors often subject fiction texts to a significant (total) transformation using it only as a means of teaching the Russian language, which leads to the distortion of the text idea and its ideological, genre and linguistic originality. In conclusion, the authors point out the need to develop the theory and practice of optimal fiction text adaptation, which would, on the one hand, take into account linguodidactic tasks, and would preserve the main genre, conceptual, lexical and grammatical features of the text of a work of fiction on the other.

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