Radiology Case Reports
Gastric rupture following multiple blunt trauma
Nguyen-Thi Hai Anh, MD1  Nguyen Duy Hung, MD, PhD2  Tran-Le Vuong Anh, MD2  Nguyen Dinh Minh, MD, PhD3  Nguyen Duy Hue, MD, PhD, Assoc Prof3  Nguyen Minh Duc, MD4 
[1] Corresponding authors.;Department of Radiology, Viet Duc Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam;Department of Radiology, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam;Department of Radiology, Viet Duc Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam;
关键词: Blunt trauma;    Gastric rupture;    Computed tomography;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Gastric injury due to trauma is a rare complication that occurs in approximately 0.04%-1.2% of all instances of abdominal trauma. When imaging trauma cases, certain areas can be obscured by several inevitable reasons. Despite its rarity, the high mortality rate of a gastric injury requires an early and accurate diagnosis. We present the case of an 18-year-old male who suffered a gastric rupture of the greater curvature following a road traffic collision before providing a brief review of the literature.

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