Management Science Letters
The influence of website brand equity, e-brand experience on e-loyalty: The mediating role of e-satisfaction
关键词: Website brand equity;    E-brand experience;    E-satisfaction;    E-loyalty;   
DOI  :  10.5267/j.msl.2019.8.015
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper analyses the role of online satisfaction (e-satisfaction) as a mediator in the relationship between website brand equity, online brand experience (e-brand experience) and online loyalty (e-loyalty) in the context of shopping online in Vietnam. The data for this study were gathered through mail questionnaires which were distributed to target participants who reported their consumption experience with shopping online through website. The survey was conducted at three big cities of Vietnam with the sample size at 928. We used structural equation model (SEM) to evaluate the suitability of the theoretical model under analysis with respect to the empirical data, and examined the significance of the hypotheses. The results showed that the estimations of the standardized regression coefficients in which e-brand experience has the largest impact on e-satisfaction and brand awareness has the biggest effect on e-loyalty. Otherwise, e-satisfaction plays a key role in mediating between website brand equity, e-brand experience and e-loyalty.
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