Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry
Cloud-Based Application for Smart Grid Simulation
Tar Szabolcs1  Fodor Attila2 
[1]Delta-Group Holding Zrt., Szentendrei út 39-53, Budapest, 1033, Hungary
[2]Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, University of Pannonia, Egyetem út 10, Veszprém, 8200, Hungary
关键词: renewable energy;    smart grid;    demand response;    cyber-security;    network assets;   
DOI  :  10.1515/hjic-2016-0009
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This study provides an overview of the content of an R&D project for increasing the efficiency of smart grids to analyse the energy market, consumption, generation, and renewable energy usage. The new energy participants, for example decentralized generation, dynamic consumption, and weather-dependent power plants, are facing challenges. This project offers solutions to these challenges: modelling of distribution networks, forecasts of renewable energy sources distributed generation (RES-DG), micro-grid management and responses to demand in new, complex solutions. A hardware device is being developed for smart grids and security modules to enhance IT security.
【 授权许可】


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