Sensors & Transducers
A MAC Scheduling Algorithm for Optimizing the Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor NetworksBased on Coverage and Connectivity Constraints
Bamba GUEYE1  Pascal LORENZ2  Diery NGOM2 
[1] Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, University Cheikh Anta Diop, BP 5005 Dakar-Fann, Senegal;IUT Colmar, University of Haute Alsace, 68093 Mulhouse, France ;
关键词: Wireless Sensor Networks;    Placement strategy;    Network lifetime;    Coverage;    Network connectivity.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are kind of wireless networks including many sensors node which can be deployed rapidly and cheaply over a geographical region of interest, and thereby they can be used for different purposes such as environment monitoring, wildlife habitat monitoring, security surveillance, industrial diagnostic, agricultural of precision, improve health care, etc. Optimizing the network lifetime, minimizing the number of active nodes, maintaining full coverage of the monitored region, and providing optimal network connectivity are critical issues in WSN. These issues are usually conflicting and complementary in many WSN applications. In this paper, we propose a distributed Medium Access Control Scheduling Algorithm called MAC-SA to optimize these four issues simultaneously. Therefore, the geographic distribution of sensor nodes takes into account coverage and network connectivity constraints. The optimal placement of sensors based on square grids, and the ON/OFF scheduling approaches based on duty cycle techniques enable to reduce the energy consumed by sensors nodes. Furthermore, MAC-SA algorithm allows a full coverage of the monitored region and ensures optimal network connectivity. Firstly, we design and validate MAC-SA analytically. Secondly, by extensive simulations we show that MAC-SA significantly reduces the number of powered ON sensors, and thus the energy consumed during data transport by up to 30 %.

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