Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
On Logic, Syntax, and Silence
Beni Majid Davoody1 
[1] Amirkabir University of Technology;
关键词: syntax;    grammar;    silence;    proposition;    logical form;    convention;   
DOI  :  10.1515/slgr-2015-0037
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The relationship between Carnap’s Logical Syntax of Language (hereafter LSL) ([1934] 1937) and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (TLP) ([1921] 1922) has been interpreted in several ways during past decades. One of the interpretations has gained keen advocates among Carnap scholars. It was originally provoked by what Caranp said in LSL, and it consists of two parts. First, it indicates that in TLP the possibility of speaking about the logical form of a language within the same language (which happens to be the only language that there is) had been foresworn by Wittgenstein, but Carnap proved him wrong by producing a book (LSL) written exactly in the manner which had been proscribed by Wittgenstein. This is the debate about the possibility of speaking about logical form.

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