Microbial Cell Factories
Genetic engineering of non-native hosts for 1-butanol production and its challenges: a review
Said Nawab1  Xiaoyan Ma1  Yi-Xin Huo1  Ning Wang1 
[1] Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Biotherapy, School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology;
关键词: 1-Butanol;    Non-native hosts;    Biofuel production;    Synthetic pathways;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12934-020-01337-w
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Owing to the increase in energy consumption, fossil fuel resources are gradually depleting which has led to the growing environmental concerns; therefore, scientists are being urged to produce sustainable and ecofriendly fuels. Thus, there is a growing interest in the generation of biofuels from renewable energy resources using microbial fermentation. Main text Butanol is a promising biofuel that can substitute for gasoline; unfortunately, natural microorganisms pose challenges for the economical production of 1-butanol at an industrial scale. The availability of genetic and molecular tools to engineer existing native pathways or create synthetic pathways have made non-native hosts a good choice for the production of 1-butanol from renewable resources. Non-native hosts have several distinct advantages, including using of cost-efficient feedstock, solvent tolerant and reduction of contamination risk. Therefore, engineering non-native hosts to produce biofuels is a promising approach towards achieving sustainability. This paper reviews the currently employed strategies and synthetic biology approaches used to produce 1-butanol in non-native hosts over the past few years. In addition, current challenges faced in using non-native hosts and the possible solutions that can help improve 1-butanol production are also discussed. Conclusion Non-native organisms have the potential to realize commercial production of 1- butanol from renewable resources. Future research should focus on substrate utilization, cofactor imbalance, and promoter selection to boost 1-butanol production in non-native hosts. Moreover, the application of robust genetic engineering approaches is required for metabolic engineering of microorganisms to make them industrially feasible for 1-butanol production.

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