The Value of Consistency: Portfolio Labeling Strategies and Impact on Winery Brand Equity
Marc Dressler1  Ivan Paunovic2 
[1] Department of Viticulture and Oenology, FB Entrepreneurship, University of Ludwigshafen, 67435 Ludwigshafen, Germany;Rural Region Service Centre (DLR) Rheinpfalz, 67435 Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany;
关键词: regression;    wine labels;    quality;    product portfolio;    branded house;    house of brands;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su13031400
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The reported research examines the impact of product portfolio labeling strategies on brand reputation and equity. A netnographic approach allowed to observe winery portfolio labeling approaches and create a typology of winery labeling strategies. Expert evaluation served to assess the dependent variable brand equity by deploying a regression analysis. For the observed wine industry, being part of the food industry, creating consistent and recognizable brands has a direct relevance for reducing (sustainability-related) food information overload and thereby building sustainable brand equity. The results uncover the relative importance of each of the six identified labeling strategies as well as their impact on reputation and brand equity creation. The results point to the need to establish a consistent strategically founded product communication. Such an approach with a positive effect on reputation building can serve to build sustainable brand equity. “Stuck in the middle”-type strategies apparently diminish winery brand equity exploitation. The findings contribute to the knowledge on food labels in product communication strategies and their impact on organizational brand equity, thereby having high relevance for the implementation of environmental certification initiatives in an organizational context. The article deploys a novel research approach in an under-researched area to provide new insights for further research as well as implications for practice.

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