Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Investigation of spray characteristics from waste cooking oil, bio-hydro fined diesel oil (BHD)and n-tridecane in a constant volume chamber
Eriko Matsumura1  Ryunosuke Sugawara2  Annisa Bhikuning3  Jiro Senda3 
[1] Corresponding author. Mechanical Engineering Department, Doshisha University, 1-3 TataraMiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, 610-0394, Japan.;Mechanical Engineering Department, Trisakti University, Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol Jakarta Barat, 11440, Indonesia;Mechanical Engineering Department, Doshisha University, 1-3 TataraMiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, 610-0394, Japan;
关键词: Waste cooking oil;    Bio-hydro fined diesel oil;    n-Tridecane;    Spray characteristics;    Constant volume chamber;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this study, spray characteristics of waste cooking oil, bio-hydro fined diesel oil and n-tridecane are reported. Bio-hydro fined diesel oil (BHD) is known as a second generation fuel made from bio hydro finning process. The results of chemical properties from the hydro finning process in vegetable oils are nearly the same as diesel oil. BHD has low viscosity and high oxidation stability which is better than the trans-esterification process of biodiesel (FAME). The experiments were conducted in a constant volume chamber in the room temperature for non-evaporating and 400, 500 and 600 K for evaporating. The pressure injections in the room temperature were varied from 50, 100 and 150 MPa. Then, the pressure injection for evaporating was 100 MPa respectively. The results show that the spray tip penetration in non-evaporating and evaporating conditions of waste cooking oil is higher than BHD oil and n-tridecane. Nevertheless, the spray angle of waste cooking oil is smaller than BHD oil and n-tridecane. These results imply due to the high viscosity and density in waste cooking oil.

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