Science and Education
Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school
Baxromjon Baxtiyor o’g’li Jo’raboyev1 
[1]Toshkent region Chirchik state pedagogical institute
关键词: acquisition;    culture;    globalization;    higher education;    motivation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Nowadays, under the influence of drastic changes of the contemporary world, the institutions of higher education focus on the promotion of equity and quality. Special attention is paid to the cross-border education, because the mobility of students and staff facilitates the “formation” of highly skilled workers in certain specialized areas. The main precondition of a successful implementation of mobility programs is a profound knowledge of foreign languages. The given paper deals with the importance of second language acquisition and outlines the strategies of a successful teaching process. The main emphasis is put on the “enhancement” of students’ motivation (including a good teacher-student rapport) and teaching a language through teaching a culture. The first one is regarded as a key element of a classroom success, while the latter simplifies learners’ comprehension of second language reality.
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