Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age
The Power of Using Emerging Technologies in MOOCs: Accelerating Globalization in Higher Education
Ahmet Berk ÜSTÜN1 
关键词: moocs;    globalization;    emerging technologies;    education;    higher education;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The purpose of this paper is to present the use of emerging technologies in MOOCs as a practical remedy to facilitate the globalization of higher education by alleviating many of the challenges that institutions encounter while establishing international compatibility and competitiveness. The globalization of higher education is important for 21st-century institutions to build up an international reputation. However, it is not an easy process of beginning an international initiative to become a globalized higher institution. It is crucial for universities to ensure meeting the current needs and demands of national and international students by enhancing the quality of programs, increasing graduate employability and providing contemporary technological infrastructure. There are also various uncertainties that might influence the pace of globalization in higher education. The use of emerging technologies potentially helps higher education institutions alleviate many of the challenges such as cutting the cost of educational expenses without compromising the quality of educational experiences and struggling with the establishment of international educational hubs.
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