A Review of Vat Photopolymerization Technology: Materials, Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends of 3D Printing
Petr Stefek1  Quoc-Phu Ma1  Marek Pagac1  Jakub Mesicek1  Jan Jansa1  Lukas Jancar1  Jiri Hajnys1 
[1]Center of 3D Printing Protolab, Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VSB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
关键词: vat photopolymerization;    SLA;    DLP;    CDLP;    CLIP;   
DOI  :  10.3390/polym13040598
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) has significantly changed the prototyping process in terms of technology, construction, materials, and their multiphysical properties. Among the most popular 3D printing techniques is vat photopolymerization, in which ultraviolet (UV) light is deployed to form chains between molecules of liquid light-curable resin, crosslink them, and as a result, solidify the resin. In this manuscript, three photopolymerization technologies, namely, stereolithography (SLA), digital light processing (DLP), and continuous digital light processing (CDLP), are reviewed. Additionally, the after-cured mechanical properties of light-curable resin materials are listed, along with a number of case studies showing their applications in practice. The manuscript aims at providing an overview and future trend of the photopolymerization technology to inspire the readers to engage in further research in this field, especially regarding developing new materials and mathematical models for microrods and bionic structures.
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