European Journal of Cell Biology
Role of actin-binding proteins in the regulation of cellular mechanics
E.S. Trifonova1  O.S. Sokolova2  Yu.M. Efremov3  A.V. Vakhrusheva3  A.V. Murashko4  P.S. Timashev5 
[1]Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
[2]World-Class Research Center “Digital Biodesign and Personalized Healthcare”, 119991 Moscow, Russia
[3]Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia
[4]Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
[5]Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
关键词: Actin-binding proteins;    Actin;    Cytoskeleton, AFM;    Force spectroscopy;    Nanoindentation;    Cancer cells motility;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The viscoelastic parameters of the cell can report on the cell state, cellular processes and diseases. Cell mechanics strongly rely on the properties of the cytoskeleton, an important system of subcellular filaments, especially on the high-level structures that actin forms together with actin-binding proteins (ABPs). In normal cells, components of the cytoskeleton are highly integrated, and their functions are well orchestrated. In contrast, impaired expression and functioning of ABPs lead to the increasing ability of cancer cells to resist chemotherapy and metastasize. ABP-mediated changes in the cytoskeleton architecture can lead to changes in the mechanical properties of the actin network, both locally and at the level of the whole cell. Until now, in cancer-related studies, mechanical data have been used less frequently, compared to biochemical tests or cell migration assays. Here, we will review current methods for analyzing the mechanical properties of cells and provide the available data on the contribution of ABPs in determining cell mechanical properties important for the investigation of cellular functions, particularly in cancers.
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