Three Aspects of Information Science in Reality: Symmetry, Semiotics and Society
Joseph E. Brenner1 
[1]International Center for Transdisciplinary Research, c/o Chemin du Collège 1, CH-1865 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
关键词: convergence;    information;    logic;    philosophy;    science;    semiotics;    society;    symmetry;   
DOI  :  10.3390/info6040750
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The 2nd International Conference on the Philosophy of Information (ICPI 2015) took place in Vienna June 5–6, 2015 as a major Section of the Vienna 2015 Summit Conference on the Response and Responsibility of the Information Sciences. At the ICPI, Wu Kun and others presented evidence for a current integration and convergence of the philosophy andscienceof information, under the influence of the uniquecharacteristics ofinformation itself. As I have shown, my extension oflogic to realsystems (Logic in Reality; LIR) applies to andexplicates many of theproperties of information processes. In thispaper, I apply LIR as aframework for understanding the operation ofinformation in three areasof science and philosophy that werediscussed at the Summit. The utilityof this approach in support of aninformation commons is suggested theabstract section.
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