Studia Humanitatis
Structural analysis of the lyrics as a representation model of aesthetic coordinates
Bezrukov Andrei Nikolayevich1 
[1] Birsk Branch of Bashkir State University (Birsk, Russia);
关键词: Anna Akhmatova;    lyrical text;    structural analysis;    poetic discourse;    style;    author;    text;    reader;   
DOI  :  10.24411/2308-8079-2017-00006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents systematization of the basic principles of structural analysis. The literary basis for the research is a poem “Please, my letter, oh dear, don't crumple” by A.A. Akhmatova. The article reflects peculiarities of poetic style, refines a number of specific features in the author’s perception of the world. The viewpoint of structuralism determines the topicality of this work that lies entirely in the idea that this text wasn’t given any sufficiently objective evaluation. Consequently, the reception of the lyric within the designated methodological coordinates will be new now. It is concluded that the aesthetic effect of the text is achieved by the integration of phonetic, lexical and semantic levels. The structure of the text leads the reader to new interpretations and comprehension of the multidimensionality of aesthetic works.

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