Les Cahiers ALHIM
La derecha chilena y su “nueva forma de hacer política”: la UDI en el campamento Raúl Silva Henríquez (1983-1985)
关键词: right;    UDI;    political influence;    movement of pobladores;    campamento;    Raúl Silva Henríquez;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article proposes an analysis about the political influence of UDI in the campamentoRaúl Silva Henríquez from 1983 to 1985. This campamentoestablished itself as one of the shantytowns (terrenospoblacionales) where UDI would have attracted a large number of followers to its political party. It caused a relevant politicization process, since historically, the locals had sympathized with the left-wing party during the twentieth century. In this respect, the relations between the locals of Silva Henríquez and UDI’s party leaders determined an important social and political dynamic that moves between the housing assistance and the political co-optation of a developing party which practiced a new way of doing politics in the right-wing Chilean party in campamentos made of the poorest people in the city. In this way, it is argued that the political structure of UDI in the campamentoRaúl Silva Henríquez had an effective carácterpoblacional that showed a new style of political exercise with an original mark focused on the connection with the poorest areas. This mark had presented an historical and considerable continuity in Chile today.

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