Technology trends for business productivity increase
Albeiro Patiño Builes1 
[1] Católica del Norte Fundación Universitaria;
关键词: Competitiveness;    Business;    Productivity;    Information and Communications Technology -ICT;   
DOI  :  10.17981/ingecuc.11.2.2015.09
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This reflection paper aims to summarize some of the technology trends that companies can use in their business processes to increase productivity and improve the competitiveness of the sector and country. It is based mainly on an official documentation study of both national and international authorized entities. First, some characteristics of the ICT and its influence in companies over the last years are shown; and finally, the conceptualization and benefits that Internet, Telework, e-Learning and Cloud computing represent today to companies in the productive sector are analyzed. It is concluded that ICT, and trends based on them, can make simpler and more agile processes in companies, and also, strengthen their skills to face increasingly demanding markets, whenever globalization and Free Trade Agreements (FTA) call to companies from all sectors to be more effective and efficient.

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