Stem Cell Research & Therapy
In vitro osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells generates cell layers with distinct properties
Lluis M. Mir1  Franck M. Andre1  Hanna Hanna1 
[1]Vectorology and Anticancer Therapies, UMR 8203, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Gustave Roussy, Université Paris-Saclay
关键词: Mesenchymal stem cells;    Multilayers;    Collagenase I;    Trypsin;    Extracellular matrix;    Cluster of differentiations;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13287-018-0942-x
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to osteoblasts is widely performed in research laboratories. Classical tests to prove this differentiation employ procedures such as cell fixation, cell lysis or cell scraping. Very few studies report gentle dissociation of mesenchymal stem cells undergoing an osteodifferentiation process. Here we used this technique to reveal the presence of several cell layers during osteogenesis and to study their different properties. Methods Through the sequential enzymatic detachment of the cells, we confirm the presence of several layers of differentiated cells and we compare them in terms of enzymatic sensitivity for dissociation, expression of cluster of differentiation, cytosolic calcium oscillations and osteogenic potential. Adipogenic and neurogenic differentiations were also performed in order to compare the cell layers. Results The cells undergoing differentiation formed one layer in the neurogenic differentiation, two layers in the adipogenic differentiation and at least four layers in the osteogenic differentiation. In the latter, the upper layers, maintained by a collagen I extracellular matrix, can be dissociated using collagenase I, while the remaining lowest layer, attached to the bottom of the dish, is sensitive only to trypsin-versene. The action of collagenase I is more efficient before the mineralization of the extracellular matrix. The collagenase-sensitive and trypsin-sensitive layers differ in their cluster of differentiation expression. The dissociation of the cells on day 15 reveals that cells could resume their growth (increase in cell number) and rapidly differentiate again in osteoblasts, in 2 weeks (instead of 4 weeks). Cells from the upper layers displayed a higher mineralization. Conclusions MSCs undergoing osteogenic differentiation form several layers with distinct osteogenic properties. This could allow the investigators to use upper layers to rapidly produce differentiated osteoblasts and the lowest layer to continue growth and differentiation until an ulterior dissociation.
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