Laboratoire Italien
La profezia politica nella letteratura italiana da Alfieri a d’Annunzio
关键词: poet-prophet;    Risorgimento;    literary canon;    paratexts;    rewritings;    prophecy;   
DOI  :  10.4000/laboratoireitalien.2108
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In the period between the creation and the crisis of the bourgeois liberal state, between the French Revolution and World War I, the figure of the Poet-Prophet, who accompanied the process of national unification with his song and committed to elaborating a shared identity, became prominent in Italy. “Inventing the tradition” and constituting a patriotic canon (the repository of the Italian past), the poets, who saw themselves as lay spiritual guides, voiced collective hopes and channeled them into political projects. The mission of poets involved in political change, however, contradicted the atemporal universalism of “pure” poetry that underlay the classical poetics still followed by the major Italian authors of the period –a poetics they also used to react against their marginalization in a nascent capitalistic society.
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