Medicinski Glasnik
Appropriate proportions as guidelines in selection of anterior
关键词: maxillary anterior teeth;    tooth crown proportion;    Golden proportion;    hard palate proportion;    75% proportion;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Aim To examine width-to-length and tooth-to-tooth width ratiosof maxillary anterior teeth and to compare the obtained proportionswith the width-to-length ratio of the hard palate, the GoldenProportion and the 75 % Proportion.Methods The widths and the lengths of the clinical crowns of themaxillary anterior teeth were measured. Hard palate width andlength were measured. Width-to-length ratio of the hard palatewas calculated, as well as width-to-length ratios of the maxillaryanterior teeth. Further, tooth-to-tooth width ratios were calculatedfor all maxillary anterior teeth.Results Comparison between width-to-length ratios of the maxillaryanterior teeth and the 75 % Proportion, the Golden Proportionand the proportion of hard palate revealed statistically significantdifferences (p<0.05). Tooth-to-tooth width ratio of maxillary anteriorteeth were significantly different (p<0.05) from the GoldenProportion.Conclusion The ratios obtained in this study could be helpful inclinical practice and in artificial teeth mould manufacture: widthto-length ratio for maxillary lateral incisor 82 % and for maxillarycentral incisor 91%, the tooth-to-tooth width ratios ranged from78 % (between lateral and central incisor) to 91% (between canineand central incisor). The Golden Proportion and the 75 % Proportionshould not be used in clinical practice for the selection ofmaxillary anterior teeth.

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