Drought Monitoring Based on Vegetation Type and Reanalysis Data in Korea
Seoyeon Lee1  Seung-Jae Lee1  Keunchang Jang2  Jung-Hwa Chun2 
[1] National Center for AgroMeteorology, Seoul 08826, Korea;National Institute of Forest Science, Seoul 02455, Korea;
关键词: drought;    vegetation type;    reanalysis;    ERA5;    drought indices;   
DOI  :  10.3390/atmos12020170
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Droughts affect economic, social, and environmental aspects in regions such as the Korean Peninsula, where more than 70% of the area comprises forests; hence, their monitoring is imperative. Despite the many indices and methodologies developed for monitoring, diagnosing droughts using reanalysis data is challenging as the data are characterized by low resolution and simplified vegetation classification. This study utilized a recently released ERA5 reanalysis dataset and its vegetation type information to derive indices that represent meteorological drought. Furthermore, their accuracy in South Korea, based on observation data, was evaluated. The spatio-temporal variability of droughts was analyzed using various factor and correlation analysis methods considering different atmospheric variables and soil moisture. The validity of the method was verified by comparing the observed and obtained data. Soil moisture in the first and second soil layers was sensitive to droughts in low-vegetation areas, thus requiring relatively frequent monitoring of precipitation and evapotranspiration near the topsoil. High-vegetation areas were most affected in the third layers one month after the drought. Hence, forest drought monitoring should consider precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff one month in advance. The results obtained herein can be used for forest drought monitoring one month before its occurrence.

【 授权许可】


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