DoisPontos | |
Nada Vendo no Escuro, Nada Ouvindo no Silêncio | |
关键词: Perception; Darkness; Silence; Absences; Roy Sorensen; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Can we see in the absence of light, and hear in the absence of sound? InhisbookSeeingDarkThings:ThePhilosophyofShadows(2008),Roy Sorensendefendsaviewaccordingtowhichwecanseedarknessinthe absence of light and hear silence in the absence of sound. In this paper, I defend the view that we see nothing in darkness, hear nothing in silence, and thatexperiencingtheabsenceoflightandsoundisanaffective,andnot perceptual, matter.
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