Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia | |
Pre-contractual objective Good Faith and information. Duties of information | |
Valeria De Lorenzi1  | |
[1] Università degli Studi di Torino; | |
关键词: contracts; information; legalsystems; civillaw; civil liability; | |
DOI : 10.26807/rfj.v2i9.429 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
In the preliminary phase of contracting, the fundamentalimportanceofinformation,andtheinformationexchanged by the pre-contractual parties, is undoubted. Parties, by entering a contract, seek to pursue their interest, to maximise theirwelfare.Basedontheinformationitpossesses,apartydecides to conclude or not to conclude the contract; if the party concludesthecontract,thepre-contractualinformationspillsover into the content of the contract, influencing the contractual agreements, the reciprocal performances established, the conditionsunderwhichthecontractisconcluded.Thisisnota work of economic analysis, but rather a legal work; economic analysis is used exclusively to highlight problems, to which the rulesoftheCivilCodeprovideasolution.Thepre-contractualproblemsinthelightofeconomicanalysis,arisingfromtheasymmetriesofinformationbetweenthepartiesatthetimeoftheconclusionofthecontract,andthesolutionstothemprovidedbytherulesofthecivilcode,havealreadybeenexaminedbythewriterinafragmentarywayduringstudiesconcerningrepresentationandtheinsurancecontract.Thesurveywillbrieflyexamineinformation,andespeciallypre-contractual information, and the problems connected with it, in the light of economic analysis; it will then focus on the rules of the Civil Code that deal with pre-contractual information and the problems connected with it and will try to find solutions to them.
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