Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
Prevalence of Lens Opacity in Interventional Cardiologists and Professional Working in the Hemodynamics in Brazil
关键词: Cataract/surgery;    Radiation,Ionizing;    Cardiologists;    Hemodynamics;    Occupational Risks;    Radiation,Protection;   
DOI  :  10.5935/abc.20190028
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

AbstractBackground: Posterior subcapsular cataract is a tissue reaction commonly found among professionals exposed to ionizing radiation.Objective: To assess the prevalence of cataract in professionals working in hemodynamics in Brazil.Methods: Professionals exposed to ionizing radiation (group 1, G1) underwent slit lamp examination with a biomicroscope for lens examination and compared with non-exposed subjects (group 2, G2). Ophthalmologic findings were described and classified by opacity degree and localization using the Lens Opacities Classification System III. Both groups answered a questionnaire on work and health conditions to investigate the presence of risk factors for cataract. The level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05).Results: A total of 112 volunteers of G1, mean age of 44.95 (±10.23) years, and 88 volunteers of G2, mean age of 48.07 (±12.18) years were evaluated; 75.2% of G1 and 85.2% of G2 were physicians. Statistical analysis between G1 and G2 showed a prevalence of posterior subcapsular cataract of 13% and 2% in G1 and G2, respectively (0.0081). Considering physicians only, 38% of G1 and 15% of G2 had cataract, with the prevalence of posterior subcapsular cataract of 13% and 3%, respectively (p = 0.0176). Among non-physicians, no difference was found in the prevalence of cataract (by types).Conclusions: Cataract was more prevalent in professionals exposed to ionizing radiation, with posterior subcapsular cataract the most frequent finding.

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