Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Investigating the role of the urban environment in controlling pandemics transmission: Lessons from history
Heba Adel Ahmed Hussein1 
[1]Address: Nasr City, 11824 Cairo, Egypt.
关键词: Urban environment;    Control transmission;    Pandemics transmission;    Public health;    COVID-19;    Immune system;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
It is known throughout history that vaccines are the best solutions to mitigate the effects of pandemics and control their transmission. However, before vaccines were developed, this process was being accomplished using a range of measures and solutions, some of which were related to the urban environment. In this regard, this study investigates the role of the urban environment in controlling pandemics transmission. The study finds that the urban environment can control pandemics transmission through its morphology, urban infrastructure, and buildings, in addition to the expansion outside the existing urban agglomerations. Moreover, it can help the individuals to fight the infection off in case of being infected by giving them the potentials to strengthen their immune system. The findings of this study can direct the viewpoint of urban planners and designers towards the role of the urban environment in maintaining public health. It can also highlight controlling current and future pandemics through the planning and design processes.
【 授权许可】


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