Archives of Biological Sciences
Assessment of the genotoxic potential of Lake Skadar sediments using Ames test and comet assay on the fish cell line RTL-W1
关键词: Genotoxic potential;    sediments;    Ames test;    Comet assay;    RTL-W1;    Lake Skadar;    Montenegro;   
DOI  :  10.2298/ABS1201249P
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this study we evaluated the genotoxic potential of surface sedimentextracts of Lake Skadar using a combination of two in vitro tests: the Cometassay on the fibroblast-like permanent cell line RTL-W1, and the Ames test onthe strain Salmonella typhimurium TA98. The obtained results show that bothtests were successful in determining the genotoxic potential in the sedimentorganic fractions. They possess enough sensitivity to detect early warningsignals and evaluate the genotoxic potential in sediments of the Lake. Thegenotoxic potential was recorded and compared in the sediment samples fromdifferent locations on the Lake Skadar.

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