A systematic review of methods for studying consumer health YouTube videos, with implications for systematic reviews
Denise Harrison1  Jordi Cumber1  Catherine M. Pound2  Margaret Sampson3  Claudia Li4  Ann Fuller5 
[1]Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Canada
[2]Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada
[3]Library Services, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada
[4]Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada
[5]Public Relations, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada
关键词: Social media;    YouTube;    Consumer health;    Research methods;    Systematic review;   
DOI  :  10.7717/peerj.147
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Background. YouTube is an increasingly important medium for consumer health information – with content provided by healthcare professionals, government and non-government organizations, industry, and consumers themselves. It is a rapidly developing area of study for healthcare researchers. We examine the methods used in reviews of YouTube consumer health videos to identify trends and best practices.Methods and Materials. Published reviews of consumer-oriented health-related YouTube videos were identified through PubMed. Data extracted from these studies included type of journal, topic, characteristics of the search, methods of review including number of reviewers and method to achieve consensus between reviewers, inclusion and exclusion criteria, characteristics of the videos reported, ethical oversight, and follow-up.Results. Thirty-three studies were identified. Most were recent and published in specialty journals. Typically, these included more than 100 videos, and were examined by multiple reviewers. Most studies described characteristics of the videos, number of views, and sometime characteristics of the viewers. Accuracy of portrayal of the health issue under consideration was a common focus.Conclusion. Optimal transparency and reproducibility of studies of YouTube health-related videos can be achieved by following guidance designed for systematic review reporting, with attention to several elements specific to the video medium. Particularly when seeking to replicate consumer viewing behavior, investigators should consider the method used to select search terms, and use a snowballing rather than a sequential screening approach. Discontinuation protocols for online screening of relevance ranked search results is an area identified for further development.
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