Yönetim ve Ekonomi
International Cooperation For SavingThe Black Sea and The Coordinated Parallel Auditby SAIs of The Region(Karadeniz'in Korunmasına Yönelik Uluslararası İşbirliği ve Bölge Sayıştaylarının Koordineli Paralel Denetim Çalışması)
关键词: Black Sea;    Marine Environment;    Coordinated Parallel Audit;    Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs);    Bucharest Convention;    Karadeniz;    Deniz çevresi;    Uluslararası paralel denetim;    Yüksek denetim kurumları (Sayıştay);    Bükreş Sözleşmesi;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

As the most isolated sea in the world, the Black Sea is under great threats stemming from human activities in the region and it is clear that the effects of great deal of polluters from lots of sources on the Black Sea environment could be devastating if they are not managed properly. Considering the fact that international collaboration is crucial to save the Black Sea, SAIs of coastal countries carried out a coordinated parallel audit to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation results of the Bucharest Convention. Comprehensive evaluations and recommendations in both the Joint Report and more detailed national audit reports provide a strong basis for implementing the necessary strategy and policies effectively and enhancing these efforts. Taking notice of these reports, responsible actors at each level of environmental governance should take appropriate steps to protect and rehabilitate the Black Sea before its being too late.

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