Energy Nexus
Experimental validation of dust impact on-grid connected PV system performance in Palestine: An energy nexus perspective
Ramez Abdallah1  Aiman Albatayneh2  Hatem Haj Muhammad2  Adel Juaidi3  Rula Abdalhaq3  Faris Kawa3 
[1] Corresponding author.;Mechatronics Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, P.O. Box 7, Nablus 00970, Palestine;;Mechanical &
关键词: Dust deposition;    PV module;    Environmental factors;    Photovoltaic soiling loss;    Palestine;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Alternative energy sources -such as solar energy- is potentially needed, as the energy sector in Palestine is completely controlled by Israeli authorities. Solar energy has the potential to be a useful alternative in Palestine because it has almost 228 sunny days each year. Among the several solar energy techniques, the photovoltaic system has the potential to make a significant contribution to the development of a more sustainable energy system. The amount of irradiance that enters the solar cells has a significant impact on the photovoltaic panel's output. As a result, dust and dirt on the panel will reduce the system's effectiveness by reducing incoming solar radiation and raising the panel's temperature. So, cleaning the Photovoltaic module on a regular basis will result in decreased energy loss and more economic benefits. The primary goal of this study is to detect the impact of dust on Photovoltaic efficiency. A 170.28 kW solar system in Nablus city, Palestine that is connected to an automated cleaning system was tested between January and July of 2021. The panels in the system were left un-cleaned for different time spans (ex. Weekly, Monthly, 2 Months, And 7 Months). The impact of dust accumulation on Photovoltaic performance was then investigated by comparing the power production between the un-cleaned panels to the automated cleaned panels. However, the cleaning method employed in this study was an automated cleaning system that is programmed to clean the plant every two days. Moreover, all the Photovoltaic panels employed in this study were of the Trina solar 330 types, which had similar attributes and performance. According to the study, the worst-case scenario was leaving the Photovoltaic panels un-cleaned for seven months in a row, which resulted in a power drop of 9.99 % and an average power reduction of 2.93 % per month. As a result of climate change, energy, water, and food security are major concerns in Palestine.

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