Je-LKS: Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society
Advanced e-learning for IT-Army officers through Virtual Learning Eenvironments
Enrico Spinello1  Gianluca Torbidone1  Marina Marchisio2  Sergio Rabellino2 
[1]IT-Army Education and Training Command and School of Applied Military Studies
[2]University of Turin
关键词: Army;    continuous training;    E-learning;    Moodle;    Professional Training;   
DOI  :  10.20368/1971-8829/1382
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In this work we will present and discuss the joint experience of the IT-Army Education and Training Command and School of Applied Military Studies of Turin and the University of Turin, that worked together to designed an advanced e-learning path. This was made possible by the use of digital methodologies and integrated virtual learning environments, with the aim of supporting in the best possible way the military officers training, which has to be continuous, highly specialized, multidisciplinary, flexible, and strongly internationalized.
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