Open Life Sciences
Application of exogenous auxin and gibberellin regulates the bolting of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Du Wei1  Li Yunfeng1  Wang Yubo1  Zhang Yueting1  Fan Shuangxi1  Han Yingyan1  Li Bingyan1  Hao Jinghong1  Liu Chaojie1 
[1]Beijing Key Laboratory of New Technology in Agricultural Application, Beijing University of Agriculture, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Plant Production Education, Plant Science and Technology College, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, P.R. China
关键词: lettuce;    gibberellin;    auxin;    bolting;    gene expression;   
DOI  :  10.1515/biol-2022-0043
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Plant bolting is regulated and controlled by various internal and external factors. We aimed to provide an improved method for breeding to determine whether there is a synergism between hormones and to explore the regulatory effect of plant hormones on the bolting of leaf lettuce. Lettuce plants were sprayed with exogenous auxin and gibberellin separately or in combination. The specific bolting period was determined by the change in stem length and cytological observation. The dynamic changes in endogenous hormones and genes closely related to bolting were analyzed. Treatment with gibberellin alone and the combined application of auxin and gibberellin induced bolting on the fourth day, and treatment with auxin alone resulted in bolting on the eighth day. In the early bolting stage, the auxin contents in the stems of the treatment groups, especially the combined gibberellin and auxin group, were higher than those of the control group. After the application of exogenous auxin and gibberellin, we found that the expression of the ARF8 and GID1 genes was upregulated. Based on the results of our study, combined treatment with exogenous gibberellin and auxin was the best method to promote the bolting of leaf lettuce, and the ARF8 and GID1 genes are closely related to this process.
【 授权许可】


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