BMC Research Notes
Assessment of communication technology and post-operative telephone surveillance during global urology mission
David E. Rapp1  Andrew Colhoun2  Jacqueline Morin2  Timothy J. Bradford3 
[1]University of Virginia School of Medicine
[2]Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
[3]Virginia Urology
关键词: Global health;    Surgery;    Follow-up;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13104-018-3256-2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Objective Compliance with post-operative follow-up in the context of international surgical trips is often poor. The etiology of this problem is multifactorial and includes lack of local physician involvement, transportation costs, and work responsibilities. We aimed to better understand availability of communication technologies within Belize and use this information to improve follow-up after visiting surgical trips to a public hospital in Belize City. Accordingly, a 6-item questionnaire assessing access to communication technologies was completed by all patients undergoing evaluation by a visiting surgical team in 2014. Based on this data, a pilot program for patients undergoing surgery was instituted for subsequent missions (2015–2016) that included a 6-week post-operative telephone interview with a visiting physician located in the United States. Results Fifty-four (n = 54) patients were assessed via survey with 89% responding that they had a mobile phone. Patients reported less access to home internet (59%), local internet (52%), and email (48%). Of 35 surgical patients undergoing surgery during 2 subsequent surgical trips, 18 (51%) were compliant with telephone interview at 6-week follow-up. Issues were identified in 3 (17%) patients that allowed for physician assistance. The cost per patient interview was $10 USD.
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