Testability Evaluation in Time-Variant Circuits: A New Graphical Method
Francesco Grasso1  Stefano Manetti1  Marco Bindi1  Maria Cristina Piccirilli1  Antonio Luchetta1 
[1]Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence, 50139 Firenze, Italy
关键词: DC–DC power converters;    pulse-width modulation converters;    switched-mode power supply;    testability analysis;    analog circuit fault diagnosis;    neural networks;   
DOI  :  10.3390/electronics11101589
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
DC–DC converter fault diagnosis, executed via neural networks built by exploiting the information deriving from testability analysis, is the subject of this paper. The networks under consideration are complex valued neural networks (CVNNs), whose fundamental feature is the proper treatment of the phase and the information contained in it. In particular, a multilayer neural network based on multi-valued neurons (MLMVN) is considered. In order to effectively design the network, testability analysis is exploited. Two possible ways for executing this analysis on DC–DC converters are proposed, taking into account the single-fault hypothesis. The theoretical foundations and some applicative examples are presented. Computer programs, based on symbolic analysis techniques, are used for both the testability analysis and the neural network training phase. The obtained results are very satisfactory and demonstrate the optimal performances of the method.
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