Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Sustainability: a missing dimension in climate change adaptation discourse in Africa?
Admire Nyamwanza1  Sandra Bhatasara2 
[1] Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Merchant House;University of Zimbabwe;
关键词: Climate change;    adaptation;    sustainability;    resilience;    climate-smart agriculture;   
DOI  :  10.1080/1943815X.2018.1450766
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The climate change adaptation field has evolved considerably in recent years. Important contributions have been made, with scholars developing methods for assessing vulnerability in different countries and communities, documenting broad strategies for adaptation and identifying opportunities for and barriers to adaptation as well as ways to enhance adaptive capacity. Issues of sustainability are, however, not readily argued and embraced. Predominantly, our analysis exposes that current adaptation discourse, particularly in Africa, offers a narrow conceptualisation of sustainability. The paper argues for a clear framework of sustainability in adaptation discourse which encompasses awareness to contextual aspects in responding to climate variability and change as well as resilience aspects. The paper also calls for an expansion of the knowledge base around the concept of ‘climate-smart agriculture’ towards effectively incorporating sustainability aspects in climate change adaptation discourse.

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