ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education
Experience of teaching of propadeutic pediatrics to english-speaking students under quarantine limitations
Tetiana Yaroshevska1 
[1] Dnipro State Medical University;
关键词: distance learning;    classroom learning;    questionnaire;    students;    english language learning;    propaedeutics of pediatrics;   
DOI  :  10.15587/2519-4984.2022.253353
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The research is devoted to the issues of improving the educational content in the clinical discipline propaedeutics of pediatrics for English-speaking foreign students in COVID-19 epidemic conditions. Based on the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the conditions of quarantine restrictions, adjustments were made to the methodology of teaching the discipline. All methodological materials were adapted to the conditions of distance education, supplemented by educational videos, illustrative photo and diagrams and were posted on the website of the department and on the educational portal Moodle, so students had the opportunity to apply to them again at any time. Student feedback has been carefully established. By conducting an anonymous questionnaire, we studied the point of view of students as to the study in a mixed distance-classroom system. According to the survey, among 147 surveyed students, 87.1 % rated the quality of education on a five-point scale at "5" or "4", 12.9 % – at "3". The most frequently interviewed students suggested increasing the number of references to illustrative materials in the guidelines, making extensive use of video, photo, models during practical classes and expressed a desire to work with sick children in the clinic to better master the method of examination. Problems of organization of educational process can be connected with technical maintenance of Internet communication both on clinical bases of department, and in places of residence of students, computer literacy of teachers and students, sufficient availability of necessary models and phantoms at the department, medical and security regime in hospital wards. Also, ways to improve teaching are careful methodological and technical support of lectures and practical classes, active use of innovative technologies

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