Crystals | |
Observations on Nanoscale Te Precipitates in CdZnTe Crystals Grown by the Traveling Heater Method Using High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy | |
Shouzhi Xi1  Boru Zhou1  Gangqiang Zha1  Tao Wang1  Dou Zhao1  Zongde Kou1  Wanqi Jie1  Fan Yang1  Liying Yin1  Ziang Yin1  | |
[1] State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China; | |
关键词: transmission electron microscopy (TEM); traveling heater method; precipitation; interface structure; defects in semiconductors; CdZnTe; | |
DOI : 10.3390/cryst8010026 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Te precipitates in CdZnTe (CZT) crystals grown by the traveling heater method (THM) are investigated using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The results show that in THM-grown CZT crystals, Te precipitates are less than 10 nm in size—much smaller than those in Bridgman-grown CZT. They have hexagonal structure and form a coherent interface with zinc blend structure CZT matrix in the orientation relationship [1 ¯12 ]M/ / [ 0001 ]Pand ( 11 ¯1 )M/ / (1 ¯100 )P . A ledge growth interface with the preferred orientation along the [ 11 ¯1 ]Mand [ 110 ]Mwas found near Te precipitates. The growth and nucleation mechanism of Te precipitates are also discussed.
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