Sobre la identidad de las partes de comedias
关键词: printing press;    reading of theatre;    Partes de comedias;   
DOI  :  10.4000/criticon.14266
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The partes de comedias have interested scholars mostly as elements conveying certain critical testimony, regardless of their identity and function as editorial products. This paper addresses those questions. After considering their early stages and their markedly commercial character, their connection with the performed play is analyzed. One of the specific features of printed drama is the prevalence of comedia over the other dramatic genres –probably due to the spiritual, and even physical, closeness to the novel. The penultimate section deals with the signs of internal cohesion in some partes: besides those already mentioned, some others show the attempt to select and organize the material. The final section of this paper examines the implications of those cohesion principles. They do not seem to be widespread in all the extant volumes, and whenever they exist, their intensity or soundness is uneven. When analyzed in detail, some of the testimonies confirm this point. Another problem to be considered concerns the detachable architecture of these volumes and the actual detachment carried out by users. Another point that raises questions is the fact that the supposed criteria of unity are not posed in prologues and dedicatories. Nevertheless, the researcher will need to reconsider these questions before tackling the analysis of the partes de comedias.
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