Critical Response Training for Surgical Interns
Mara Antonoff1  Jeffrey Chipman2  Connie Schmitz3  Jonathan DCunha4 
[1]1 University of Minnesota Medical School
[2]|2 University of Minnesota
[3]|3 University of Minnesota
[4]|4 University of Minnesota
关键词: Shock;    Hypotension;    Cardiac Arrhythmias;    Electrolyte Abnormalities;    Hypoxia;    Acid-Base Imbalance;   
DOI  :  10.15766/mep_2374-8265.8056
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Introduction In order to provide safe, timely, and effective care for our patients, it is imperative that surgical interns are prepared to recognize and manage acute postoperative complications, particularly those emergencies which are life-threatening. Thus, we designed this series of skills sessions aimed to improve surgical intern readiness for responding to life-threatening issues encountered in surgical care. Methods This technology-enhanced course for surgical interns incorporates didactics and simulation. It aims to improve surgical intern readiness for responding to life-threatening issues encountered in surgical care. This curricular development is uniquely distinct in its emphasis upon simulation. Results Upon course completion, participants reported high confidence in executing skills, suggesting improved readiness for acute care of the surgical inpatient. Learners demonstrated objective improvement in testing of cognitive skills and performance in simulated scenarios. Discussion We have looked at outcomes following this intervention and feel that we have significantly augmented intern readiness, thereby heightening patient safety. Furthermore, we believe that our experience demonstrates the importance of simulation as a key tool in preparing interns for acute inpatient management.
【 授权许可】


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